
Worldwide Marketing Agency

+27 (63) 856 77 03


We have a lot of jobs for sports clubs, such as hockey and football. We made branding for the Saints football club.

Let’s start with the logo
Together with the designer and the Saints player, they developed several logo concepts. We decided to stop at two

Our concept has everything that is inherent in football — speed (lightning), player movements between defenders (lightning and squares), gates (halo on top). The halo also embodies the name “Saints”

Moving on to the corporate identity
In terms of colors, they revolved around pink for a long time, since the client really liked the design of the FC Venice uniform. But nothing worked out with pink. We decided to focus on black, white and shades of ochre.

Crosses were chosen for the pattern, oddly enough.

Based on the corporate identity, they made a guest and home uniform. It looks super juicy. The team has already received a huge number of approving likes from colleagues in the shop and other connoisseurs of beauty.

By the way, according to the rules of football, the goalkeeper must play in a uniform of a different color. Therefore, we took the light green color as a basis. Added a gradient to make it richer. We added branded crosses, voila, it turned out bright, chic, but according to the footbal rules.
The goalkeepers are happy, the players are happy. It remains only to win, which Saints does!
We are ready to make a brand for your sports team as well.

You can view our works here https://neuroonedigital.com/works/

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