The essence of UI/UX
UI/UX is the design of the interface and future interaction. We think about how the user can get from point A to point B with the least resistance and pretend it into reality.
What is UX?
UX is User Experience (literally: “user experience”). That is, this is what kind of experience/impression the user gets from working with your site. Does he manage to achieve the goal, and how easy or difficult it is to do it? Everyone understands that the user entered the site for a reason. He wants to know something, and get information. So that it won’t be excruciatingly painful, we make the site clear and convenient.
UX includes different components. For example, information architecture, design, interactions, graphic design, and content. With UX design, you need to study user behavior, develop behavior prototypes, and conduct testing. All this work is done by a UX designer.
What is UI?
UI is the User Interface (literally “user interface”) — what the interface looks like and what physical characteristics it has. Are the buttons conveniently located, is the text readable, etc. The interface turns out to be user-friendly and easy. The main thing is that everything works correctly, quickly and easily. In fact, UI is a tactile and functional design of UX. This is a real solution to the client’s problem with the help of proper development. Here your desires and needs of the client converge in one place and are realized profitably.
UI/UX cost: from 400 USD
Как сделать сайт понятным, удобным и красивым?
Нанять парочку верстальщиков и разработчиков, которые готовы к тяжелому труду проектирования. Кстати, у нас есть парочка таких ;)