SMM (Eng. Social Media Marketing, SMM) is what is working for at least for last decade. Namely, promotion in social networks. Yes, yes. Those same groups in Facebook, advertising in the news, and right here on the side. We take social media, prepare content, and launch advertising.
However, not everything is as simple as it may seem. Algorithms of social networks are getting smarter, demanding high-quality and unique content from administrators. Copy-paste of texts or photos will not work. You just won’t be seen in the feed. That is why we are ready to take control of your SMM channels into our strong hands. We work with the most popular platforms:
- TikTok
- Youtube
How do we work with SMM?
- We start working with market research: target audience, competitors
- We design accounts in a single style. Design avatars, promo blocks, products, fixed posts and so on
- We create a content strategy, describe categories, select common popular hashtags in a niche and hash tags for categories (for easy navigation)
- We prescribe a content plan for one or two weeks
- Testing categories for popularity
- Adjusting the content strategy and plan
- Post
- We are working on placements in public and with bloggers
- Setting up targeting for CA
Price: from 550 USD
Как увеличить число подписчиков в соц.сетях?
Подготовить уникальные фото, видео и тексты, которые будут интересны твоей аудитории. Или обратиться к нам ;)