
Worldwide Marketing Agency

+27 (63) 856 77 03


For those who do not know, SEO is a set of processes aimed at improving the site’s position in search engines (such as Google) to increase site traffic. The whole setup process is also called SEO optimization of the site. The better the site is seen by SE, the higher it will be in the search results. Accordingly, the site traffic will increase, and so does the number of orders, purchases and requests.

Why is SEO effective?

Firstly, 80% of the traffic to the website always comes from search results.

Secondly, search engines are trusted. And customers trust it more than any advertising.

Thirdly, good optimization will bring a long-term effect. Once configured the customers continue to go.

How the cost of SEO work is formed:
1. The more requests for which it is necessary to get into the top 10, the more expensive the cost of promotion
2. The better and more correct the website is made from the technical side, the cheaper the promotion
3. The more convenient the site is for users, the cheaper the promotion
4. The more competitors, the higher the cost of promotion
5. The more reference links leading to the site from other sources, the lower the cost of promotion

How long does it take for the site to appear in the top-10?

Depends on a large number of factors. Sometimes one month is enough for promotion to show results, while another site needs to be engaged for up to 4-5 months to see the result. On average, it takes about 3 months to bring the site to the top.

The cost of the service: 500 USD-1500 USD / per month

Preliminary SEO optimization (based on technical ranking factors): 250 USD

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