Offline ads
Offline advertising
Offline advertising or traditional advertising is still effective. “Oh, come on, who pays attention to this now?” you say. But yes, it works. And despite the fact that our main work is aimed at online promotion, we are ready to develop for you:
- a comprehensive strategy with online and offline advertising;
- a traditional promotion program with well-known and working tools;
- materials for traditional promotion (articles, layouts of billboards, banners, flyers, etc.)
To put everything in its place, let’s clarify what generally applies to offline advertising:
- Advertising in the media (TV, radio, newspaper and magazines);
- Telephone marketing (cold calls);
- Outdoor advertising and advertising at points of sale;
- Printing products (leaflets, booklets, etc.) work best in offline advertising in combination with Internet technologies.
More to say, the client sees your advertising in the city, then in the media, and then you catch up with the client online. As a result, the customer is already ready to buy your product.
That is, we get a good selling. Through offline advertising, the client learns about your company. Then, after the materials in the media interest appears. Then the person already Googles your product and receives your offer. Ready! You’re great!
Cost: from 250 USD
Как запомниться клиенту?
Сделать яркую и сочную офф-лайн рекламу и разместить ее на видном месте. Тебя увидят, запомнят и к тебе придут.